This work was made by Nahid Hossain and released under the license(s) stated below. Please feel free to use it for any purpose as long as you credit Nahid Hossain as author and follow the terms of the chosen license. If you use this work outside of the Wikimedia projects, I would very much like to get a note from you. Thanks!
I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
pa kompartí – pa kopia, distribuí i transmití e obra
pa rekombiná – pa adaptá e obra
Di akuerdo ku e próksimo kondishonnan:
atribushon – Bo mester duna krédito na e outor, duna un lenk na e lisensia, i indiká si a hasi kambio. Bo por hasi esei na kualke manera rasonabel, perono na manera ku por sugerí ku esun ku ta otorgá e lisensia ta respaldá abo òf bo uzo.