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Distanshamentu sosial

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Distanshamentu sosial
Supkategoria dinon-pharmaceutical countermeasure Editá
Parti diinfection control Editá
Has goalminimization Editá
HashtagSocialDistancing Editá
Prevenshon di un pui skèrpi di infekshon, konosi komo plat e kurva epidémiko, ta yuda pa e servisionan di salubridat no wòrdu aplastá, i alabes ta duna mas tempu pa un bakuna/tratamentu wordu desaroyá. Ekspanshon di e infekshonnan ta duna servisionan di salubridat un lapso di tempo mas largu pa por maneha mihó e volúmen di pashènt.[1][2]
Alternativanan pa plat e kurva[3][4]

Distanshamento sosial (Ingles: Social distancing) ta un konhuntu di medida no-farmaseutiko pa para of frena e plamamentu di un malesa kontagioso. Su meta ta pa redusí e probabilidat di kontakto entre hende ku ta karga e vírùs i esunnan ku no ta infektá, pa asina minimalisá tantu transmishon di e malesa komo e chèns pa bira malu òf muri.[5][6]

Distanshamentu sosial ta mas efektivo ora e infekshon por wòrdu transmití via gota chiki (tosamentu of nistermentu); kontakto fisiko direkto, inkluyendo kontakto seksual; kontakto físiko indirekto (p.e. ora tòch un obheto kontaminá); of transmishon via aire (ora e mikro-organismo por sobrebibí den aire pa tempu largu).[7]

Distanshamentu sosial por ta menos efektivo den kasonan unda e transmishon di e infekshon ta tuma lugá via awa of kuminda kontaminá of mediante kargadónan manera sangura of otro insekto, i menos frekwente di persona pa persona.[8]

Na otro banda di e medaya distanshamentu sosial por inkluí soledat, produktividat redusí, i perdida di otro benefisionan asosiá ku interakshon humano.

Algun ehempel di e práktika di distanshamentu sosial ta:[9][10]

Alternativanan pa dunamentu di man
  • seramentu di scol (proaktivo of reaktivo), enseñansa via internet[11]
  • seramentu di luga di trabao,[12] inkluso seramentu di negoshi i servisionan sosial ku no ta esensial ("no esensial" ta referí na e fasilidatnan ku no ta mantene e funkshonnan primario di e komunidat)[13]
  • isolashon
  • karantena
  • kordon sanitario
  • sekuestro protektivo
  • kanselashon di enkuentronan grandi manera eventonan deportivo, sine of shownan musikal[14]
  • seramentu of restrikshon di transporte publiko
  • seramentu di facilidatnan rekreativo (klup, pisina, gym)[15]
  • medida di auto-protekshon pa individuonan; esta akshonnan manera redusi kontakto kara-pa-kara, regla asuntonan via telefon of internet, evita lugánan públiko i redusí biahenan innesesario[16][17]
  • tòch elbog en bes di duna man pa saluda i nister den e parti paden di elbog[18]

Wak tambe

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Pandemia di COVID-19

Lista di fuente

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  1. Siouxie Wiles, The three phases of Covid-19 – and how we can make it manageable, 9 mart 2020
  2. Anderson, Roy M; Heesterbeek, Hans; Klinkenberg, Don; Hollingsworth, T Déirdre (mart 2020). How will country-based mitigation measures influence the course of the COVID-19 epidemic?. "A key issue for epidemiologists is helping policy makers decide the main objectives of mitigation—e.g., minimising morbidity and associated mortality, avoiding an epidemic peak that overwhelms health-care services, keeping the effects on the economy within manageable levels, and flattening the epidemic curve to wait for vaccine development and manufacture on scale and antiviral drug therapies." 
  3. Siouxie Wiles, After 'Flatten the Curve', we must now 'Stop the Spread'. Here's what that means, 14 mart 2020
  4. (March 2020). How will country-based mitigation measures influence the course of the COVID-19 epidemic?. 
  5. Johnson, Carolyn Y.; Sun, Lena; Freedman, Andrew, Social distancing could buy U.S. valuable time against coronavirus, 10 mart 2020
  6. Pandemic Planning - Social Distancing Fact Sheet
  7. "Information about Social Distancing," Santa Clara Public Health Department.
  8. "Interim Pre-Pandemic Planning Guidance: Community Strategy for Pandemic Influenza Mitigation in the United States—Early, Targeted, Layered Use of Nonpharmaceutical Interventions," CDC, Feb 2007
  9. Kathy Kinlaw, Robert Levine, "Ethical Guidelines on Pandemic Influenza," CDC, December 2006
  10. Tomas Pueyo, Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now, 12 mart 2020
  11. (2009). Closure of schools during an influenza pandemic. 9. 473–481. 
  12. (2012). The Impact of Workplace Policies and Other Social Factors on Self-Reported Influenza-Like Illness Incidence During the 2009 H1N1 Pandemic. 102. 134–140. 
  13. "Social Distancing Support Guidelines," Colorado Dept. of Public Health and Environment, March 2008.
  14. R. Booy and J. Ward, "Evidence compendium and advice on social distancing and other related measures for response to an influenza pandemic," National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance.
  15. "Flu Pandemic Mitigation - Social Distancing"
  16. Glass RJ, Glass LM, Beyeler WE, Min HJ. "Targeted Social Distancing Designs for Pandemic Influenza." Emerg Infect Dis. 2006;12(11):1671-1681
  17. "Social Distancing Guidelines (for workplace communicable disease outbreaks)"
  18. "Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for an Influenza Pandemic," OSHA 3327-02N 2007