Distanshamentu sosial
Supkategoria di | non-pharmaceutical countermeasure |
Parti di | infection control |
Has goal | minimization |
Hashtag | SocialDistancing |
Distanshamento sosial (Ingles: Social distancing) ta un konhuntu di medida no-farmaseutiko pa para of frena e plamamentu di un malesa kontagioso. Su meta ta pa redusí e probabilidat di kontakto entre hende ku ta karga e vírùs i esunnan ku no ta infektá, pa asina minimalisá tantu transmishon di e malesa komo e chèns pa bira malu òf muri.[5][6]
Distanshamentu sosial ta mas efektivo ora e infekshon por wòrdu transmití via gota chiki (tosamentu of nistermentu); kontakto fisiko direkto, inkluyendo kontakto seksual; kontakto físiko indirekto (p.e. ora tòch un obheto kontaminá); of transmishon via aire (ora e mikro-organismo por sobrebibí den aire pa tempu largu).[7]
Distanshamentu sosial por ta menos efektivo den kasonan unda e transmishon di e infekshon ta tuma lugá via awa of kuminda kontaminá of mediante kargadónan manera sangura of otro insekto, i menos frekwente di persona pa persona.[8]
Na otro banda di e medaya distanshamentu sosial por inkluí soledat, produktividat redusí, i perdida di otro benefisionan asosiá ku interakshon humano.
[editá | editá fuente]Algun ehempel di e práktika di distanshamentu sosial ta:[9][10]
- seramentu di scol (proaktivo of reaktivo), enseñansa via internet[11]
- seramentu di luga di trabao,[12] inkluso seramentu di negoshi i servisionan sosial ku no ta esensial ("no esensial" ta referí na e fasilidatnan ku no ta mantene e funkshonnan primario di e komunidat)[13]
- isolashon
- karantena
- kordon sanitario
- sekuestro protektivo
- kanselashon di enkuentronan grandi manera eventonan deportivo, sine of shownan musikal[14]
- seramentu of restrikshon di transporte publiko
- seramentu di facilidatnan rekreativo (klup, pisina, gym)[15]
- medida di auto-protekshon pa individuonan; esta akshonnan manera redusi kontakto kara-pa-kara, regla asuntonan via telefon of internet, evita lugánan públiko i redusí biahenan innesesario[16][17]
- tòch elbog en bes di duna man pa saluda i nister den e parti paden di elbog[18]
Wak tambe
[editá | editá fuente]Lista di fuente
[editá | editá fuente]- ↑ Siouxie Wiles, The three phases of Covid-19 – and how we can make it manageable, 9 mart 2020
- ↑ Anderson, Roy M; Heesterbeek, Hans; Klinkenberg, Don; Hollingsworth, T Déirdre (mart 2020). How will country-based mitigation measures influence the course of the COVID-19 epidemic?. "A key issue for epidemiologists is helping policy makers decide the main objectives of mitigation—e.g., minimising morbidity and associated mortality, avoiding an epidemic peak that overwhelms health-care services, keeping the effects on the economy within manageable levels, and flattening the epidemic curve to wait for vaccine development and manufacture on scale and antiviral drug therapies."
- ↑ Siouxie Wiles, After 'Flatten the Curve', we must now 'Stop the Spread'. Here's what that means, 14 mart 2020
- ↑ (March 2020). How will country-based mitigation measures influence the course of the COVID-19 epidemic?.
- ↑ Johnson, Carolyn Y.; Sun, Lena; Freedman, Andrew, Social distancing could buy U.S. valuable time against coronavirus, 10 mart 2020
- ↑ Pandemic Planning - Social Distancing Fact Sheet
- ↑ "Information about Social Distancing," Santa Clara Public Health Department.
- ↑ "Interim Pre-Pandemic Planning Guidance: Community Strategy for Pandemic Influenza Mitigation in the United States—Early, Targeted, Layered Use of Nonpharmaceutical Interventions," CDC, Feb 2007
- ↑ Kathy Kinlaw, Robert Levine, "Ethical Guidelines on Pandemic Influenza," CDC, December 2006
- ↑ Tomas Pueyo, Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now, 12 mart 2020
- ↑ (2009). Closure of schools during an influenza pandemic. 9. 473–481.
- ↑ (2012). The Impact of Workplace Policies and Other Social Factors on Self-Reported Influenza-Like Illness Incidence During the 2009 H1N1 Pandemic. 102. 134–140.
- ↑ "Social Distancing Support Guidelines," Colorado Dept. of Public Health and Environment, March 2008.
- ↑ R. Booy and J. Ward, "Evidence compendium and advice on social distancing and other related measures for response to an influenza pandemic," National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance.
- ↑ "Flu Pandemic Mitigation - Social Distancing"
- ↑ Glass RJ, Glass LM, Beyeler WE, Min HJ. "Targeted Social Distancing Designs for Pandemic Influenza." Emerg Infect Dis. 2006;12(11):1671-1681
- ↑ "Social Distancing Guidelines (for workplace communicable disease outbreaks)"
- ↑ "Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for an Influenza Pandemic," OSHA 3327-02N 2007