Documentation for this module may be created at Module:ConvertNumeric/doc
-- Module for converting between different representations of numbers
-- Adapted to handle variants (e.g., default, 'c', etc.)
-- Default variant and additional variant 'c'
local variants = {
default = {
ones_position = {
[0] = 'cero',
[1] = 'un',
[2] = 'dos',
[3] = 'tres',
[4] = 'cuatro',
[5] = 'cinco',
[6] = 'seis',
[7] = 'siete',
[8] = 'ocho',
[9] = 'nueve',
[10] = 'diez',
[11] = 'once',
[12] = 'doce',
[13] = 'trece',
[14] = 'catorce',
[15] = 'quince',
[16] = 'dieciséis',
[17] = 'diecisiete',
[18] = 'dieciocho',
[19] = 'diecinueve'
tens_position = {
[2] = 'veinte',
[3] = 'treinta',
[4] = 'cuarenta',
[5] = 'cincuenta',
[6] = 'sesenta',
[7] = 'setenta',
[8] = 'ochenta',
[9] = 'noventa'
groups = {
[1] = 'mil',
[2] = 'millón',
[3] = 'billón',
[4] = 'trillón'
-- Add more as needed
c = {
ones_position = {
[0] = 'sero',
[1] = 'uno',
[2] = 'do',
[3] = 'tre',
[4] = 'quatro',
[5] = 'cinco',
[6] = 'sei',
[7] = 'sete',
[8] = 'ocho',
[9] = 'nueve',
[10] = 'die',
[11] = 'onceuno',
[12] = 'oncesdo',
[13] = 'onctre',
[14] = 'oncequatro',
[15] = 'oncecinco',
[16] = 'oncesseis',
[17] = 'oncsiete',
[18] = 'oncocho',
[19] = 'oncnueve'
tens_position = {
[2] = 'binti',
[3] = 'trinta',
[4] = 'quarenta',
[5] = 'cincuenta',
[6] = 'sesenta',
[7] = 'setenta',
[8] = 'ochenta',
[9] = 'nobenta'
groups = {
[1] = 'mil',
[2] = 'miom',
[3] = 'biyon'
-- Add more as needed
local function get_variant_table(variant)
return variants[variant] or variants.default
local function numeral_to_english_less_100(num, variant, ordinal, plural, zero)
local tables = get_variant_table(variant)
local terminal_ones = ordinal and ones_position_ord or (plural and ones_position_plural or tables.ones_position)
local terminal_tens = ordinal and tens_position_ord or (plural and tens_position_plural or tables.tens_position)
if num == 0 and zero then
return zero
elseif num < 20 then
return terminal_ones[num]
elseif num % 10 == 0 then
return terminal_tens[num / 10]
return terminal_tens[math.floor(num / 10)] .. '-' .. terminal_ones[num % 10]
local function numeral_to_english_less_1000(num, variant, use_and, ordinal, plural, zero)
num = tonumber(num)
local tables = get_variant_table(variant)
if num < 100 then
return numeral_to_english_less_100(num, variant, ordinal, plural, zero)
elseif num % 100 == 0 then
return tables.ones_position[math.floor(num / 100)] .. ' hundred' .. (ordinal and 'th' or (plural and 's' or ''))
return tables.ones_position[math.floor(num / 100)] .. ' hundred ' .. (use_and and 'and ' or '') .. numeral_to_english_less_100(num % 100, variant, ordinal, plural, zero)
local function _numeral_to_english(num, variant, numerator, denominator, capitalize, use_and, hyphenate, ordinal, plural, links, negative_word, round, zero, use_one)
local tables = get_variant_table(variant)
num = scientific_notation_to_decimal(num)
if round and round ~= '' then
num = round_for_english(num, round)
local MINUS = '−'
if num:sub(1, #MINUS) == MINUS then
num = '-' .. num:sub(#MINUS + 1)
elseif num:sub(1, 1) == '+' then
num = num:sub(2)
local negative = num:find("^%-")
local decimal_places, subs = num:gsub("^%-?%d*%.(%d+)$", "%1")
if subs == 0 then decimal_places = nil end
num, subs = num:gsub("^%-?(%d*)%.?%d*$", "%1")
if num == '' and decimal_places then num = '0' end
if subs == 0 or num == '' then error("Invalid decimal numeral") end
local s = ''
while #num > 3 do
if s ~= '' then s = s .. ' ' end
local group_num = math.floor((#num - 1) / 3)
local group = tables.groups[group_num]
local group_digits = #num - group_num * 3
s = s .. numeral_to_english_less_1000(num:sub(1, group_digits), variant, false, false, false, nil) .. ' ' .. group
num = num:sub(group_digits + 1)
s = s .. numeral_to_english_less_1000(num, variant, false, false, false, nil)
if negative then s = 'minus ' .. s end
if capitalize then s = s:gsub("^%l", string.upper) end
if hyphenate then s = s:gsub("%s", "-") end
return s
-- Example usage:
print(_numeral_to_english("1234", "default", nil, nil, false, true, false, false, false, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil))
print(_numeral_to_english("1234", "c", nil, nil, false, true, false, false, false, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil))