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Bertrand Russell

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Bertrand Russell
Bertrand Arthur William Russell
Bertrand Russell
Informacion basico
Pais Reino Uni, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Nòmber nasementu Bertrand Arthur William Russell
Título di noblesa count
Nasementu 18 di mei 1872
Fayesimentu 2 di febrüari 1970
Plas Penrhyn
Kousa di morto Grip
Modo di morto kousa natural
Ofishi mathematician, social critic, essayist, logician, epistemologist, philosopher of language, political activist, metaphysician, analytic philosopher, autobiographer, dosente universitario, science fiction writer, philosopher of science, politiko, peace activist, periodista, filósofo, eskritor
Kampo di trabou set theory, historia di filosofia, epistemologia, lógika, matemátika, philosophy of language, philosophy of science, étika, religion, mathematical logic, sosiologia, filosofia
Empleado(nan) University of California, Los Angeles, Universidat di Harvard, University of Chicago, London School of Economics and Political Science
Lugá di trabou Inglatera
Obra notabel Proposed Roads to Freedom, My Philosophical Development, The Problems of Philosophy, Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy, Power: A New Social Analysis, In Praise of Idleness and Other Essays, The Principles of Mathematics, A History of Western Philosophy, The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, Marriage and Morals, Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits, Justice in war time, Principia Mathematica, Human society in ethics and politics, Wisdow of the West
Funshon member of the House of Lords
Studiante(nan) Philip Jourdain
Studiante doctoraal Ludwig Wittgenstein
Skol/universidat Universidat di Cambridge, Trinity College
Studiante di George Frederick Stout
Promotor Alfred North Whitehead
Movementu analytic philosophy, freethought, filosofia occidental
Influensia pa Euclid, John Stuart Mill, Giuseppe Peano, Augustus De Morgan, George Boole, Gottlob Frege, Georg Cantor, George Santayana, Alexius Meinong, Baruch Spinoza, Ernst Mach, David Hume, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Alfred North Whitehead, G. E. Moore, Percy Bysshe Shelley, George Frederick Stout
Partido polítiko Labour Party, Liberal Party
Religion agnosticism
Kasá Alys Pearsall Smith, Dora Russell, Patricia Russell, Edith Finch Russell
Tata John Russell
Mama Katharine Russell, Viscountess Amberley
Yu Conrad Russell, 5th Earl Russell, John Russell, 4th Earl Russell, Katharine Tait, Lady Harriet Russell
Ruman Frank Russell, 2nd Earl Russell
Dominio di idioma Ingles
Lenga materno Ingles
Idioma di skirbimentu Ingles
Lugá di detenshon HM Prison Brixton
Otro informashon
Miembro di Royal Society
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Bertrand Arthur William Russell (☆ 18 di mei 1872 na Trellech (Monmouthshire, Wales) - † 2 di febrüari 1970 na Penrhyndeudraeth (Gwynedd, Wales)) tabata un matemátiko, filósofo, historiadó i lógiko britániko. El a duna les entre otro na Universidat di Cambridge, Universidat di Harvard i Universidat di Peking i a produsí un gran kantidat di obra tokante temanan filosófiko, matemátiko i sosial. Huntu ku Alfred North Whitehead el a publiká Principia Mathematica, un di e obranan mas importante di siglo 20 tokante e base di matemátika. Russell ta mirá komo un di e fundadónan di filosofia analítiko.

Na 1949 el a risibí e distinshon britániko "Orden di Mérito" i na 1950 e Premio Nobel pa Literatura.

Publikashon Principia Mathematica
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