Wikipedia:Artíkulonan importante
E lista di artíkulo importante akí ta kontené un selekshon di palabra/konsepto esensial. Eseinan no por falta na ningun lenga di Wikipedia, sigun Meta-Wiki.[1] Si ta falta un término, e tema no tin tradukshon na wikidata. Nos ta invita bo pa añadi esei. Sigui un link korá pa skirbi un artíkulo tokante di e tópiko konserni.
E lista ta originá di un programashon di kòmpiuter. Nos ta deskonsehá pa ahusta e lista: bo kambionan ta wòrdu plèchá automatiko periódikamente.
[editá fuente]list of 1000 articles every Wikipedia should have
Artista i arkitekto
[editá fuente]- Le Corbusier Le Corbusier (Q4724) arkitekto suiso-franses
- Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí (Q5577) pintor spaño
- Albrecht Dürer Albrecht Dürer (Q5580) pintor, grabadó i matemátiko aleman
- Vincent van Gogh Vincent van Gogh (Q5582) pintor Hulandes
- Francisco Goya Francisco Goya (Q5432) pintor spaño
- Katsushika Hokusai Katsushika Hokusai (Q5586) pintor hapones
- Frida Kahlo Frida Kahlo (Q5588) pintor mehikano
- Henri Matisse Henri Matisse (Q5589) pintor franses
- Michelangelo Michelangelo (Q5592) pintor
- Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso (Q5593) pintor spañó (1881–1973)
- Raphael Raphael (Q5597) pintor i arkitekto italiano
- Rembrandt Rembrandt (Q5598) pintór i grabadó hulandes
- Peter Paul Rubens Peter Paul Rubens (Q5599) pintor i diplomátiko flamenko
- Mimar Sinan Mimar Sinan (Q5600) arkitekto otomano
- Diego Velázquez Diego Velázquez (Q297) pintór spañó
- Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci (Q762) pintor, arkitekto, ingeniero, inventor, filósofo, anatomista i skulptor italiano
- Andy Warhol Andy Warhol (Q5603) artista merikano
- Frank Lloyd Wright Frank Lloyd Wright (Q5604) arkitekto merikano
Outor i poeta
[editá fuente]- Abu Nuwas Abu Nuwas (Q5670) poeta irakí
- Hans Christian Andersen Hans Christian Andersen (Q5673) eskritor danes
- Jane Austen Jane Austen (Q36322) novelista ingles
- Matsuo Bashō Matsuo Bashō (Q5676) poeta hapones
- Jorge Luis Borges Jorge Luis Borges (Q909) Argentine writer, essayist, poet and translator (1899–1986)
- Lord Byron Lord Byron (Q5679) English Romantic poet and lyricist (1788–1824)
- Miguel de Cervantes Miguel de Cervantes (Q5682) novelista, poeta i dramaturgo spañó
- Geoffrey Chaucer Geoffrey Chaucer (Q5683) 14th century English poet and author
- Anton Chekhov Anton Chekhov (Q5685) Russian dramatist and author (1860–1904)
- Dante Alighieri Dante Alighieri (Q1067) Florentine poet, writer, and philosopher (c. 1265–1321)
- Charles Dickens Charles Dickens (Q5686) English novelist and social critic (1812–1870)
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Q991) outor ruso
- Gabriel García Márquez Gabriel García Márquez (Q5878) eskritor di bukinan di novela, eskritor di kuentanan kortiku, gionista, editor, i periodista colombiano
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (Q5879) German writer, artist, natural scientist and politician (1749–1832)
- Hafez Hafez (Q6240) Persian poet and mystic
- Homero Homero (Q6691) poeta di Gresia Antiguo
- Victor Hugo Victor Hugo (Q535) politiko franses
- James Joyce James Joyce (Q6882) novelista i poeta irlandes
- Franz Kafka Franz Kafka (Q905) Bohemian writer from Prague (1883–1924)
- Kālidāsa Kālidāsa (Q7011) Classical Sanskrit poet and playwright
- Li Bai Li Bai (Q7071) poeta chines
- Najib Mahfouz Najib Mahfouz (Q7176) eskritor egipsio
- Molière Molière (Q687) French playwright and actor (1622–1673)
- Ovid Ovid (Q7198) Roman poet (43 BC – 17/18 AD)
- Marcel Proust Marcel Proust (Q7199) French novelist, critic and essayist (1871–1922)
- Alexander Pushkin Alexander Pushkin (Q7200) Russian poet, playwright, and novelist (1799–1837)
- William Shakespeare (Q692) dramaturgo,actor y poeta Ingles
- Sophocles Sophocles (Q7235) ancient Greek playwright
- Rabindranath Tagore Rabindranath Tagore (Q7241) Bengali poet, philosopher and polymath (1861–1941)
- Leo Tolstoy Leo Tolstoy (Q7243) Russian author (1828–1910)
- Mark Twain Mark Twain (Q7245) American author and humorist (1835–1910)
- Virgil Virgil (Q1398) Roman poet (1st century BC)
Kompositor i músiko
[editá fuente]- Louis Armstrong Louis Armstrong (Q1779) aktor merikano
- Johann Sebastian Bach Johann Sebastian Bach (Q1339) German composer (1685–1750)
- The Beatles The Beatles (Q1299) banda di rock Ingles
- Ludwig van Beethoven Ludwig van Beethoven (Q255) German composer (1770–1827)
- Johannes Brahms Johannes Brahms (Q7294) German composer (1833–1897)
- Frédéric Chopin Frédéric Chopin (Q1268) Polish composer and pianist (1810–1849)
- Antonín Dvořák Antonín Dvořák (Q7298) Czech composer (1841–1904)
- George Frideric Handel George Frideric Handel (Q7302) German-British Baroque composer (1685–1759)
- Joseph Haydn Joseph Haydn (Q7349) Austrian composer (1732–1809)
- Umm Kulthum Umm Kulthum (Q1110560) Egyptian singer and actress (1898–1975)
- Gustav Mahler Gustav Mahler (Q7304) Austrian late-Romantic composer (1860–1911)
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Q254) Austrian composer of the Classical period (1756-1791)
- Giovanni da Palestrina Giovanni da Palestrina (Q179277) Italian Renaissance composer (c. 1525–1594)
- Elvis Presley Elvis Presley (Q303) kantante i aktor merikano
- Giacomo Puccini Giacomo Puccini (Q7311) Italian opera composer (1858–1924)
- Franz Schubert Franz Schubert (Q7312) Austrian composer (1797–1828)
- Igor Stravinsky Igor Stravinsky (Q7314) Russian composer (1882–1971)
- Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (Q7315) Russian composer (1840–1893)
- Giuseppe Verdi Giuseppe Verdi (Q7317) Italian opera composer (1813–1901)
- Antonio Vivaldi Antonio Vivaldi (Q1340) Italian composer and violinist (1678-1741)
- Richard Wagner Richard Wagner (Q1511) German composer (1813–1883)
Eksploradó i biahero
[editá fuente]- Roald Amundsen Roald Amundsen (Q926) eksploradó noruega
- Neil Armstrong Neil Armstrong (Q1615) American astronaut and lunar explorer (1930–2012)
- Jacques Cartier Jacques Cartier (Q7321) Breton maritime explorer of North America (1491–1557)
- Cristóbal Colón Cristóbal Colón (Q7322) esplorado ku a deskubrí e kontinente Amérika
- James Cook James Cook (Q7324) British explorer, cartographer and naval officer (1728–1779)
- Hernán Cortés Hernán Cortés (Q7326) konkistadó spañó
- Yuri Gagarin Yuri Gagarin (Q7327) Soviet pilot and cosmonaut, first human in space (1934–1968)
- Vasco da Gama Vasco da Gama (Q7328) Portuguese explorer
- Ibn Battuta Ibn Battuta (Q7331) 14th century Muslim Maghrebi scholar and explorer
- Ferdinand Magellan Ferdinand Magellan (Q1496) Portuguese explorer in the service of Spain
- Marco Polo Marco Polo (Q6101) Venetian explorer and merchant who travelled through Asia
- Zheng He Zheng He (Q7333) Chinese mariner, explorer, and diplomat
Direktor di esena, outor di senario i aktor
[editá fuente]- Ingmar Bergman Ingmar Bergman (Q7546) direktor di sine suiso
- Sarah Bernhardt Sarah Bernhardt (Q4605) French stage actress, painter and sculptor (1844–1923)
- Charlie Chaplin Charlie Chaplin (Q882) aktor komiko anto direktor di sine Ingles (1889–1977)
- Marlene Dietrich Marlene Dietrich (Q4612) German and American actress and singer (1901–1992)
- Walt Disney Walt Disney (Q8704) direktor di sine merikano
- Sergei Eisenstein Sergei Eisenstein (Q8003) Soviet filmmaker (1898–1948)
- Federico Fellini Federico Fellini (Q7371) direktor di sine italiano
- Alfred Hitchcock Alfred Hitchcock (Q7374) British filmmaker (1899–1980)
- Stanley Kubrick Stanley Kubrick (Q2001) direktor di sine merikano
- Akira Kurosawa Akira Kurosawa (Q8006) direktor di sine hapones
- Marilyn Monroe Marilyn Monroe (Q4616) American actress and model (1926–1962)
- Satyajit Ray Satyajit Ray (Q8873) Indian filmmaker and writer (1921–1992)
Inventor, sientifiko i matemátiko
[editá fuente]- Archimedes Archimedes (Q8739) Greek mathematician and physicist (c. 287 – c. 212 BC)
- Avicenna Avicenna (Q8011) Persian polymath, physician and philosopher (c. 980–1037)
- Tim Berners-Lee Tim Berners-Lee (Q80) English computer scientist, inventor of the World Wide Web (born 1955)
- Brahmagupta Brahmagupta (Q202943) Indian mathematician and astronomer (c. 598 – c. 668 CE)
- Nicolaus Copernicus Nicolaus Copernicus (Q619) Polish mathematician and astronomer (1473–1543)
- Marie Curie Marie Curie (Q7186) fisiko franses
- Charles Darwin Charles Darwin (Q1035) English naturalist and biologist (1809–1882)
- Thomas Alva Edison Thomas Alva Edison (Q8743) American inventor and businessman (1847–1931)
- Albert Einstein Albert Einstein (Q937) físiko teorétiko i inventor di origen aleman
- Euclid Euclid (Q8747) Ancient Greek mathematician (fl. 300 BC)
- Leonhard Euler Leonhard Euler (Q7604) Swiss mathematician, physicist, and engineer (1707–1783)
- Michael Faraday Michael Faraday (Q8750) British scientist (1791–1867)
- Enrico Fermi Enrico Fermi (Q8753) fisiko italiano
- Henry Ford Henry Ford (Q8768) American business magnate (1863–1947)
- Galen Galen (Q8778) 1st-century Greek physician, surgeon and philosopher
- (Q307) Italian polymath (1564–1642)
- Carl Friedrich Gauss Carl Friedrich Gauss (Q6722) German mathematician and physicist (1777–1855)
- Johannes Gutenberg Johannes Gutenberg (Q8958) German inventor and craftsman (1400-1468)
- David Hilbert David Hilbert (Q41585) German mathematician (1862–1943)
- James Prescott Joule James Prescott Joule (Q8962) English physicist and brewer (1818-1889)
- Johannes Kepler Johannes Kepler (Q8963) German mathematician and astronomer (1571–1630)
- Al-Khwarizmi Al-Khwarizmi (Q9038) 9th-century mathematician and astronomer
- Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (Q9047) German mathematician and philosopher (1646–1716)
- Carl Linnaeus Carl Linnaeus (Q1043) Swedish botanist, physician, and zoologist (1707–1778)
- James Clerk Maxwell James Clerk Maxwell (Q9095) Scottish physicist (1831–1879)
- Dmitri Mendeleev Dmitri Mendeleev (Q9106) Russian chemist (1834–1907)
- Isaac Newton Isaac Newton (Q935) English mathematician and physicist (1642–1727)
- Louis Pasteur Louis Pasteur (Q529) French chemist and microbiologist (1822-1895)
- Max Planck Max Planck (Q9021) German theoretical physicist (1858–1947)
- Ernest Rutherford Ernest Rutherford (Q9123) New Zealand physicist (1871–1937)
- Erwin Schrödinger Erwin Schrödinger (Q9130) fisiko oustriako
- Nikola Tesla Nikola Tesla (Q9036) Serbian-American inventor (1856–1943)
- Alan Turing Alan Turing (Q7251) English computer scientist (1912–1954)
- James Watt James Watt (Q9041) British engineer (1736–1819)
Filósofo i sosiólogo
[editá fuente]- Aristóteles Aristotle (Q868) 4th-century BCE Classical Greek philosopher and polymath
- Simone de Beauvoir Simone de Beauvoir (Q7197) French philosopher, social theorist and activist (1908–1986)
- Chanakya Chanakya (Q9045) 4th-century BCE Indian statesman and philosopher
- Noam Chomsky Noam Chomsky (Q9049) filósofo merikano
- Confucius Confucius (Q4604) 5th-century BCE Chinese philosopher and politician
- René Descartes René Descartes (Q9191) filósofo franses
- Sigmund Freud Sigmund Freud (Q9215) Austrian neurologist and founder of psychoanalysis (1856–1939)
- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (Q9235) German philosopher and theologian (1770–1831)
- Ibn Khaldun Ibn Khaldun (Q9294) Arab historiographer and historian (1332–1406)
- Immanuel Kant Immanuel Kant (Q9312) German philosopher (1724–1804)
- John Maynard Keynes John Maynard Keynes (Q9317) ekonomista britániko
- (Q9333) 6th-century BC semi-legendary Chinese philosopher, founder of Taoism
- John Locke John Locke (Q9353) English philosopher and physician (1632–1704)
- Niccolò Machiavelli Niccolò Machiavelli (Q1399) Italian diplomat and political and military theorist (1469–1527)
- Karl Marx Karl Marx (Q9061) ekonomista i filósofo aleman
- Friedrich Nietzsche Friedrich Nietzsche (Q9358) German philosopher (1844–1900)
- Platón Platón (Q859) filósofo griego
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Q6527) Genevan philosopher, writer, and composer (1712–1778)
- Jean-Paul Sartre Jean-Paul Sartre (Q9364) French existentialist philosopher (1905–1980)
- Sima Qian Sima Qian (Q9372) 2nd-century BCE Chinese historian and writer
- Adam Smith Adam Smith (Q9381) Scottish moral philosopher and political economist (1723–1790)
- Socrates Socrates (Q913) 5th-century BCE Greek philosopher
- Voltaire Voltaire (Q9068) French writer, historian, and philosopher (1694–1778)
- Max Weber Max Weber (Q9387) German sociologist, philosopher, and political economist (1864–1920)
- Ludwig Wittgenstein Ludwig Wittgenstein (Q9391) Austrian philosopher and logician (1889–1951)
- Zhu Xi Zhu Xi (Q9397) Chinese historian, Neoconfucian philosopher, poet, and politician during the Song dynasty (1130–1200)
Lider polítiko
[editá fuente]- Akbar Akbar (Q8597) Mughal emperor from 1556 to 1605
- Alexander the Great Alexander the Great (Q8409) king of Macedonia and conqueror of Achaemenid Persia (356–323 BC)
- Ashoka Ashoka (Q8589) Mauryan emperor from 268 to 232 BCE
- Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (Q5152) politiko turko
- Augustus Augustus (Q1405) first emperor of the Roman Empire and founder of the Julio-Claudian dynasty
- Otto von Bismarck Otto von Bismarck (Q8442) German statesman and Chancellor (1815-1898)
- Simón Bolívar Simón Bolívar (Q8605) politiko spaño
- Napoleon Bonaparte Napoleon Bonaparte (Q517) general i politiko franses
- Julius Caesar Julius Caesar (Q1048) Roman general and dictator (100 – 44 BC)
- Charlemagne Charlemagne (Q3044) king of Franks, regarded as the first Holy Roman Emperor (747–814)
- Winston Churchill Winston Churchill (Q8016) estadista britániko
- Constantine the Great Constantine the Great (Q8413) Roman emperor from 306 to 337 and first to convert to Christianity
- Cyrus the Great Cyrus the Great (Q8423) founder of the Achaemenid Empire (559–529 BC)
- Charles de Gaulle Charles de Gaulle (Q2042) estadista franses
- Elizabeth I of England Elizabeth I of England (Q7207) Queen of England and Ireland from 1558 to 1603
- Mahatma Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi (Q1001) Indian independence activist (1869–1948)
- Genghis Khan Genghis Khan (Q720) founder and first khan of the Mongol Empire (1162–1227)
- Che Guevara Che Guevara (Q5809) Argentine Marxist revolutionary (1928–1967)
- Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler (Q352) dictator of Germany from 1933 to 1945
- Joan of Arc Joan of Arc (Q7226) militar franses
- Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. (Q8027) American Baptist minister and civil rights leader (1929–1968)
- Vladimir Lenin Vladimir Lenin (Q1394) founding leader of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1924
- Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln (Q91) presidente merikano
- Louis XIV of France Louis XIV of France (Q7742) King of France from 1643 to 1715
- Rosa Luxemburg Rosa Luxemburg (Q7231) Polish-German Marxist revolutionary (1871–1919)
- Nelson Mandela Nelson Mandela (Q8023) First President of South Africa and anti-apartheid activist (1918–2013)
- Mao Zedong Mao Zedong (Q5816) politiko chines (1893–1976)
- Jawaharlal Nehru Jawaharlal Nehru (Q1047) Prime Minister of India from 1947 to 1964
- Kwame Nkrumah Kwame Nkrumah (Q8620) Ghanaian pan-Africanist and the first Prime Minister and President of Ghana (1909-1972)
- Peter the Great Peter the Great (Q8479) Tsar/Emperor of Russia from 1682 to 1725
- Qin Shi Huangdi Qin Shi Huangdi (Q7192) first emperor of Qin Dynasty
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Q8007) president of the United States from 1933 to 1945
- Saladin Saladin (Q8581) Sultan of Egypt and founder of the Ayyubid dynasty (1137–1193)
- Joseph Stalin Joseph Stalin (Q855) prome kabesante den Union Sovietiko
- Suleiman the Magnificent Suleiman the Magnificent (Q8474) the tenth and greatest Sultan of Ottoman Empire (1520–1566)
- Sun Yat-sen Sun Yat-sen (Q8573) Chinese politician, physician, and revolutionary (1866–1925)
- Timur Timur (Q8462) The founder of the Timurid Empire (1370–1405)
- Umar ibn Al-Khattāb Umar ibn Al-Khattāb (Q8467) 2nd Rashidun Caliph from 634 to 644
- George Washington George Washington (Q23) prome Presidente di Merca
Proser??? religioso i teológiko
[editá fuente]- (Q9181) Hebrew patriarch according to the Hebrew Bible
- Tomas di Aquino Thomas Aquinas (Q9438) Italian Dominican friar, philosopher, Catholic priest, and Doctor of the Church
- Agustin di Hipona Augustine of Hippo (Q8018) Christian theologian, philosopher, and saint (354–430)
- Gautama Buda Gautama Buda (Q9441) Indian philosopher and the founder of Buddhism (623 or 563 BCE – 543 or 483 BCE)
- Al-Ghazali Al-Ghazali (Q9546) Persian Sunni Muslim scholar and mystic (c.1058–1111)
- Hesus Hesus (Q302) central figure of Christianity (6 or 4 BC – AD 30 or 33)
- Martin Luther Martin Luther (Q9554) German priest and theologian (1483–1546)
- (Q9077) Abrahamic prophet said to have led the Israelites out of Egypt
- (Q9458) founder and main prophet of Islam (c. 570–632)
- Nagarjuna Nagarjuna (Q171195) filósofo indio
[editá fuente]- Ateísmo ateismo (Q7066) absence of belief in the existence of deities; the opposite of theism
- Beyesa beyesa (Q7242) karakterístika estétiko
- dialéktika dialéktika (Q9453) method of argument for resolving disagreement
- étika étika (Q9465) branch of philosophy that systematizes, defends, and recommends concepts of right and wrong conduct
- epistemologia epistemologia (Q9471) branch of philosophy studying the nature and scope of knowledge
- (Q9476) ability of agents to make choices free from certain kinds of external constraints
- konosementu konosementu (Q9081) mental possession of information or skills, often contributing to understanding
- lógika lógika (Q8078) study of correct reasoning
- Materialismo materialismo (Q7081) teoria den filosofia
- Filosofia filosofia (Q5891) kuestionamentu di kustumbernan
- realidat realidat (Q9510) sum or aggregate of all that is real or existent
- bèrdat bèrdat (Q7949) what is in accord with fact or reality
[editá fuente]- fundamentalismo fundamentalismo (Q9149) unwavering attachment to a set of irreducible beliefs
- Dios Dios (Q190) principal object of faith in monotheistic religions, a divine entity that created and typically supervises all existence
- Monoteismo monoteismo (Q9159) fe den un solo dios
- Politeismo politeismo (Q9163) worship of or belief in multiple deities
- (Q9134) stories of gods and fairies and fantastic creatures
- Religion religion (Q9174) social-cultural system
- (Q9165) essence of an individual
- Religionan spesífiko
- Budismo Budismo (Q748) denominashon religioso
- Kristianismo Kristianismo (Q5043) religion monoteista
- Iglesia Catolico Romano Iglesia katóliko (Q9592) largest Christian Church, made up of 24 autonomous Churches in communion with the Pope
- (Q9581) Chinese ethical and philosophical system
- Hinduismo Hinduismo (Q9089) religion predominante
- (Q9595) trinity of supreme divinity in Hinduism, in which the cosmic functions of creation, preservation, and destruction are personified as a triad of deities
- Islam Islam (Q432) religion
- (Q483654) most populous Islamic denomination
- (Q9232) Indian religion
- Hudaismo hudaismo (Q9268) Abrahamic monotheistic ethnic religion of the Jews
- (Q9316) monotheistic Indian religion
- taoismo taoismo (Q9598) tradishon di orígen chines
- (Q9601) Iranian religion founded by Zoroaster
- Práktikanan spiritual
- (Q9603) body of mystical practice within Islam
- yoga yoga (Q9350) grupo di práktika físiko, spiritual, i mental di orígen indio
- Zen Zen (Q7953) forma di budismo ku énfasis riba konsentrashon
[editá fuente]- Sociedad sosiedat (Q8425) group of people connected to each other
- Sivilisashon sivilisashon (Q8432) sosiedat kompleho
- (Q8434) transmission of knowledge and skills
[editá fuente]- (Q9332) range of actions by entities, living or not, within a system
- Emocion emocion (Q9415) biological states associated with the nervous system
- (Q316) strong, positive emotion based on affection
- (Q450) combination of cognitive faculties that provides consciousness, thinking, reasoning, perception, and judgement in humans and potentially other life forms
- Psicologia psicologia (Q9418) study of mental functions and behaviours
- (Q9420) mental activity involving an individual's subjective consciousness
Famia i relashon
[editá fuente]- famia famia (Q8436) grupo di persona ligá ku paternidat
- mucha mucha (Q7569) hende hóben
- hòmber hòmber (Q8441) hende machu adulto
- Matrimonio matrimonio (Q8445) manera di kombibensia rekonosé sosialmente i mas tantu biá regulá pa lèi
- muhé muhé (Q467) hende femenino adulto
[editá fuente]- Polítika polítika (Q7163) studiamentu di gobièrnu i sistema di outoridat
- Kolonialismo kolonialismo (Q7167) ekspanshon di teritorio di un estado soberano, ku ta enserá dominio riba un otro pueblo òf kultura
- diplomasia diplomasia (Q1889) arte i praktika di negosiá entre representantenan di grupo òf estadonan
- Gobierno gobièrnu (Q7188) sistema òf grupo di hende ku ta eherse poder ehekutivo den un komunidat organisá, mas tantu un pais
- Demokrasia demokrasia (Q7174) sistema di gobièrnu
- Diktadura diktadura (Q317) forma autokrátiko di un gobièrnu bou mando di un solo individuo,
- Monarkia monarkia (Q7269) tipo di estado unda e maximo outoridat ta un monarka
- Repúblika repúblika (Q7270) tipo di gobernashon
- ideologia ideologia (Q7257) set of beliefs and values attributed to a person or group of people
- (Q6199) political philosophy and movement
- (Q6186) far-left political and socioeconomic ideology
- (Q7169) cultural, social, and political philosophy that seeks to promote and to preserve traditional social institutions and practices
- Fasismo Fasismo (Q6223) far-right authoritarian ideology and movement
- (Q6216) political and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed and equality
- (Q7264) economic and sociopolitical worldview
- (Q6235) ideology and movement that promotes the interests of a particular nation (as in a group of people) especially with the aim of gaining and maintaining the nation's sovereignty (self-governance) over its homeland
- (Q7272) socio-economic system based on social ownership of the means of production; also the ideology that aims to implement it
- imperialismo imperialismo (Q7260) creation of an unequal relationship between states through domination
- Estado (politica) estado (Q7275) organisashon polítiko ku outoridat riba un pais
- Partido polítiko partido polítiko (Q7278) organisashon dirigi riba haya influensia riba e maneho di gobièrnu pa medio di partisipashon na elekshonnan
- propaganda propaganda (Q7281) fason di komunikashon intenshoná pa motibu di influí e públiko
Negoshi i ekonomia
[editá fuente]- (Q8134) social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services
- (Q8137) assets used for the production of goods and services
- Kapitalismo kapitalismo (Q6206) economic system based on private ownership of the means of production
- moneda moneda (Q8142) medio di pago ofishal
- Euro Euro (Q4916) moneda oropeo
- (Q8146) official currency of Japan
- Dollar Mericano Dollar merikano (Q4917) placa di Estadonan Uni di Merka
- (Q8148) economic sector characterized by large scale automated manufacturing as in industrialization
- (Q1368) physical or virtual object or record accepted as payment
- (Q8161) mandatory financial charge or other type of levy imposed on a taxpayer (an individual or legal entity) by a governmental organization to collectively fund government spending, public expenditures, or to regulate and reduce negative externalities
[editá fuente]- Derecho derecho (Q7748) sistema di reglanan i direktivanan, apoyá en general di outoridat gubernamental
- konstitushon konstitushon (Q7755) dokumento ku reglanan básiko di un estado
Organisashon internasional
[editá fuente]- (Q7159) supranational union in Africa
- (Q7172) organization of Arab states
- ASEAN ASEAN (Q7768) international organisation of Southeast Asian countries
- (Q7785) political association of mostly former British Empire territories
- Union Oropeo Union Oropeo (Q458) political and economic union of 27 European states
- (Q7178) international humanitarian movement
- (Q7184) intergovernmental military alliance between 32 member states
- (Q7191) set of annual international awards, primarily 5 established in 1895 by Alfred Nobel
- (Q7795) international organization of petroleum-exporting countries
- Nashonnan Uni Nashonnan Uni (Q1065) organisashon internashonal
- (Q7801) primary judicial organ of the United Nations
- (Q7804) international organisation
- UNESCO UNESCO (Q7809) specialised agency of the United Nations for education, sciences, and culture
- (Q7813) declaration adopted in 1948 by the United Nations General Assembly
- Organisashon Mundial di Salú Organisashon Mundial di Salú (Q7817) United Nations agency concerned with international public health
- Banko Mundial Banko Mundial (Q7164) organisashon finansiero multinashonal
- (Q7825) intergovernmental organization that intends to supervise and liberalize international trade
Guera i ehérsito
[editá fuente]- (Q8473) organization primarily tasked with preparing for and conducting war
- pas pas (Q454) state of harmony characterized by lack of violent conflict and freedom from fear of violence
- Terorismo terorismo (Q7283) use of violence as a form of political, economic and religious coercion
- guera guera (Q198) kontienda armá
- guera sivil guera sivil (Q8465) war between organized groups within the same sovereign state or republic
Tema sosial
[editá fuente]- aborto aborto (Q8452) intentional ending of a pregnancy
- pena kapital pena kapital (Q8454) legal process whereby a person is put to death by the state as a punishment for an actual or supposed crime
- Feminismo feminismo (Q7252) grupo di movementu pa emansipashon i igualdat di hende muhe
- globalisashon globalisashon (Q7181) process of international integration arising from world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture
- Derechonan humano derechonan humano (Q8458) inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled
- pobreza pobreza (Q10294) lack of a certain amount of material possessions or money
- Racismo rasismo (Q8461) race or ethnic-based discrimination
- Sklabitut sklabitut (Q8463) sistema den kua hendenan ta propiedat di otronan
Lenga i literatura
[editá fuente]- Idioma idioma (Q315) structured system of communication
- Lenganan spesífiko
- Árabe Arabiko (Q13955) idioma
- Bengali Bengali (Q9610) idioma
- (Q7850) language group of the Sinitic languages
- Ingles Ingles (Q1860) idioma anglosakso
- Frances franses (Q150) idioma
- Aleman Alemán (Q188) idioma
- Griego Griego (Q9129) idioma indo-oropeo
- hebreo hebreo (Q9288) idioma
- hindustan hindustan (Q11051) idioma
- Hapones (idioma) hapones (Q5287) idioma
- Latin Latin (Q397) idioma indo-oropeo
- (Q9168) idioma indo-oropeo
- Portugues Português (Q5146) Western Romance language of the Indo-European language family
- Rusiano Ruso (Q7737) idioma Indo Europeo
- sanskrit sanskrit (Q11059) lenga
- Spaño spaño (Q1321) idioma Romano
- Swahili (lenga) Swahili (Q7838) Bantu language spoken mainly in East Africa
- Turko Turko (Q256) Oghuz Turkic language of the Turkish people
- Linguistica lingwístika (Q8162) estudio sientifiko di e idioma humano
- (Q8091) set of structural rules that governs the composition of clauses, phrases, and words in any given natural language
- Palabra palabra (Q8171) smallest linguistic element that will be said in isolation with semantic or pragmatic content
- fonema fonema (Q8183) basic unit of phonology
- (Q8188) unit of organization for a sequence of speech sounds
- (Q8192) any conventional method of visually representing verbal or signed communication
- (Q8196) alphabet for Arabic and other languages
- (Q8201) logographic writing system with Han origin used in the Sinosphere for Chinese, Japanese, Korean and traditional Vietnamese languages
- Álfabèt siríliko álfabèt siríliko (Q8209) sistema di skritura
- Álfabèt griego alfabèt griego (Q8216) alfabet usa pa skirbi e idioma griego
- (Q8222) native alphabet of the Korean language
- Alfabet latin Alfabet Latin (Q8229) writing system used to write most Western, Northern and Central European languages
- (Q8236) ability to read for knowledge, write coherently, and think critically about the written word; ability to read, write, and use arithmetic
- tradukshon tradukshon (Q7553) transfer of the meaning of something in one language into another
- Literatura literatura (Q8242) polysemous term referring to a written art form, and the set of all literary works
- (Q676) form of language which applies ordinary grammatical structure and natural flow of speech
- (Q8251) 5th century BC Chinese military treatise
- (Q8253) genre and narrative form, in any medium, consisting of people, events, or places that are imaginary—in other words, not based strictly on history or fact
- (Q8258) collection of Middle Eastern folk stories
- (Q8261) narrative text, normally of a substantial length and in the form of prose describing a fictional and sequential story
- Poesia poesia (Q482) sorto di literatura
- (Q676) form of language which applies ordinary grammatical structure and natural flow of speech
[editá fuente]- midimentu midimentu (Q12453) proseso di asigná balor na un opheto òf evento
- sistema SI sistema SI (Q12457) system of units, based on the International System of Quantities, their names and symbols, including a series of prefixes and their names and symbols, together with rules for their use (International Vocabulary of Metrology)
Peso, volúmen i distansha
[editá fuente]- kilogram kilogram (Q11570) metric unit of mass
- liter liter (Q11582) unidat fisiko di volúmen
- meter meter (Q11573) unidat di largura òf distansha
[editá fuente]- kalènder kalènder (Q12132) system of organizing days for social, religious, commercial, or administrative purposes
- Kalènder gregoriano kalènder gregoriano (Q12138) internationally accepted civil calendar
- oloshi oloshi (Q376) instrument that measures the passage of time
- sekònde sekònde (Q11574) un di 60 di un minüt
- Dia dia (Q573) unidat di tempu
- aña aña (Q577) estimated period of time for the Earth's orbit around the Sun and observed at a fixed geographic point (averaging 365.24 days); base later modified to define or adjust various calendars
- Zona di tempu zona di tempu (Q12143) region on Earth that has a uniform standard time for legal, commercial, and social purposes
[editá fuente]- Siensia siencia (Q336) systematic endeavor that builds and organizes knowledge, and the set of knowledge produced by this system
- Naturalesa naturalesa (Q7860) natural, physical, or material world and its phenomena
[editá fuente]- astronomia astronomia (Q333) scientific study of celestial objects and phenomena
- (Q3863) minor planet of the inner Solar System; not a comet
- (Q323) hypothetical begin of the Universe through expansion out of an infinitely small and infinitely dense state
- (Q589) astronomical object so massive, that anything falling into it, including light, cannot escape its gravity
- kometa kometa (Q3559) icy small astronomical object
- galaksia galaksia (Q318) large gravitationally bound system of stars and interstellar matter
- Kaminda di lechi Kaminda di lechi (Q321) spiral galaxy in the Local Group containing the Solar System; its appearance across the night sky in areas with little to no light pollution
- Luna luna (Q405) úniko satelit natural terestre
- (Q634) celestial body directly orbiting a star or stellar remnant
- Tera (planeta) Tera (Q2) planeta den e sistema solar
- Yúpitèr Yúpitèr (Q319) planeta mas grandi di nos sistema solar
- Mars Mars (Q111) di kuater planeta for di solo
- Merkurio Merkurio (Q308) planeta mas serka di solo
- Neptuno Neptuno (Q332) planeta
- Saturno Saturno (Q193) planeta
- Urano Urano (Q324) planeta
- Vénus Vénus (Q313) planeta
- (Q544) the Sun, its planets and their moons
- (Q5916) travel or transportation into or through space
- (Q523) astronomical object consisting of a luminous spheroid of plasma held together by its own gravity
- Solo Solo (Q525) star at the centre of the Solar System
- Universo universo (Q1) totality consisting of space, time, matter and energy
[editá fuente]- Biologia biologia (Q420) scientific study of living things, especially their structure, function, growth, evolution, and distribution
- Material biologiko
- ADN ADN (Q7430) molecule that encodes the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms and many viruses
- (Q8047) large biological molecule that acts as a catalyst
- (Q8054) biomolecule or biomolecule complex largely consisting of chains of amino acid residues
- (Q441) science of plant life
- Morto morto (Q4) permanent cessation of vital functions
- (Q10737) intentional act of causing one's own death
- (Q7150) scientific study of the relationships between living organisms
- (Q11394) species of organisms facing a very high risk of extinction
- (Q11395) modification by humans of wild forms of animals or plants for coexistence with them
- Bida bida (Q3) matter capable of extracting energy from the environment for replication
- (Q11398) method of scientific taxonomy
- Espesie espesie (Q7432) rango taksonómiko elemental
Proseso biológiko
[editá fuente]- (Q1057) set of chemical reactions and pathways by which living organisms transform chemical substances
- Evolushon evolushon (Q1063) change in heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations
- (Q11990) production of new individuals that contain some portion of genetic material inherited from one or more parent organisms
- (Q11995) time of human offspring development in mother's body
- Sexo Sexo (Q290) biological system that determines an individual's sexually reproductive function
[editá fuente]- Organismo Organismo (Q7239) any individual living being or physical living system
- Animal Animal (Q729) kingdom of multicellular eukaryotic organisms
- (Q5185) phylum of worms with tubular digestive systems with openings at both ends
- (Q25326) large phylum of invertebrate animals
- (Q1360) phylum of invertebrates with jointed exoskeletons
- Chordate
- (Q10908) class of tetrapods, whose living forms include frogs, toads, salamanders, newts and caecilians
- para para (Q5113) class of vertebrates characterized by wings, a feather-covered body and a beak
- piská piská (Q152) vertebrate animal that lives in water and (typically) has gills
- (Q7372) clade of predatory cartilaginous fish (Chondrichthyes)
- (Q7377) class of tetrapods
- (Q7375) genus of mammals
- (Q146) domesticated feline
- (Q830) large, domesticated, cloven-hooved herbivores
- Kacho kacho (Q144) domestic animal
- (Q726) domesticated four-footed mammal from the equine family
- (Q7368) domesticated ruminant bred for meat, wool, and milk
- (Q10850) order of mammals
- hochi hochi (Q787) domesticated omnivorous even-toed ungulate
- Primate Primate (Q7380) order of mammals (scientific name: Primates)
- Hende hende (Q5) any member of Homo sapiens, unique extant species of the genus Homo
- (Q382441) mammals that live in marine environments
- (Q160) infraorder of mammals
- (Q10811) group (class or clade) of tetrapod animals
- Dinosourio Dinosourio (Q430) clade of sauropsid vertebrates that dominated the Mesozoic Era (including birds)
- colebra colebra (Q2102) limbless, scaly, elongate reptile
- (Q10872) domain of prokaryotic microorganisms
- Bakteria Bakteria (Q10876) domain of micro-organisms
- fúngus fúngus (Q764) rèino di organismo
- (Q756) living thing in the kingdom of photosynthetic eukaryotes
- Flor flor (Q506) sexual reproductive structure found on flowering plants
- (Q10884) perennial woody plant
- (Q10892) eukaryotic organisms that are not animals, plants or fungi
[editá fuente]- (Q514) study of the internal structure of organisms and their parts
- (Q9103) one of two prominences located on the region of the torso of a female primate, containing the mammary gland
- Cel (Q7868) basic structural and functional unit of all organisms
- (Q11068) three independent systems that work together: cardiovascular, pulmonary and systemic
- Sanger Sanger (Q7873) organic fluid which transports nutrients throughout the organism
- (Q1072) inner organ for the circulation of blood
- (Q11078) hormone-releasing glands of a body
- (Q9649) digestive system in humans. It is divided into (i) Alimentary Canal or Gastrointestinal Tract and (ii)Digestive Glands
- (Q7365) contractile soft tissue of animals
- Sistema nervioso Sistema nervioso (Q9404) part of an animal that coordinates actions and senses
- Celebro Celebro (Q1073) organ that serves as the center of the nervous system in all vertebrate and most invertebrate animals
- (Q9620) enclosed, cable-like bundle of axons in the peripheral nervous system
- (Q11101) part of the nervous system responsible for processing sensory information
- (Q7895) system of organs within an organism which work together for the purpose of reproduction
- (Q7891) system in an organism that exchanges respiratory gases
- (Q7881) part of a body that forms the supporting structure
- kueru kueru (Q1074) tapa suabe pafó di vertebrado
Salubridat i medisina
[editá fuente]- (Q11190) field of study for diagnosing, treating and preventing disease
- (Q12029) state characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli despite adverse consequences
- (Q11081) progressive, neurodegenerative disease characterized by memory loss
- (Q12078) group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth and spread
- (Q199804) lung disease involving long-term poor airflow
- (Q12125) common viral infection of upper respiratory tract
- (Q12128) branch of medicine dealing with oral health and teeth
- (Q12131) impairments, activity and participation limitations of a person
- (Q12135) distressing thought or behavior pattern
- (Q12136) abnormal condition negatively affecting organisms
- (Q41571) human neurological disease causing seizures
- (Q12140) substance used to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent disease
- (Q12187) drug used in the treatment and prevention of bacterial infections
- (Q12147) desirable level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living being
- (Q156103) medical condition characterized by inflammation of the stomach and/or small intestine
- (Q86) pain in the head or neck
- (Q12152) interruption of blood supply to a part of the heart
- (Q1059) biological system
- (Q12156) mosquito-borne infectious disease
- (Q12167) medical condition that results from eating too little, too much, or the wrong nutrients
- (Q12171) cyclic, physiologic discharge through the vagina of blood and endometrial tissues from the nonpregnant uterus
- (Q12174) medical condition in which excess body fat harms health
- Pandemia pandemia (Q12184) epidemic of infectious disease that has spread across a large region with global health impact
- (Q12192) inflammation of the alveoli of the lungs
- (Q12195) human disease
- (Q12198) infection transmitted through human sexual behavior
- Sida Sida (Q12199) spectrum of conditions caused by HIV infection
- (Q12202) death of a region of brain cells due to poor blood flow
- tuberkulósis tuberkulósis (Q12204) malesa kontagioso
- Diabétis Mellitus Diabétis Mellitus (Q12206) group of metabolic disorders characterized by high blood sugar levels over a prolonged period
- (Q134808) substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute
- Virus virus (Q808) entidad biologico infeccioso
- Grip Grip (Q2840) infectious disease caused by an influenza virus
- broera broera (Q12214) malesa humano eradiká
[editá fuente]- (Q2329) branch of physical science concerned with the composition, structure and properties of matter
- (Q11165) study of the synthesis and behavior of inorganic and organometallic compounds
- (Q7094) study of chemical processes in living organisms
- (Q11364) chemical released by a cell or a gland in one part of the body that sends out messages that affect cells in other parts of the organism
- (Q11173) pure chemical substance consisting of two or more different chemical elements
- ásido ásido (Q11158) chemical compound giving a proton or accepting an electron pair
- base base (Q11193) chemical substance that can react with an acid, accepting hydrogen ions (protons) or more generally, donating a pair of valence electrons
- (Q12370) ionic compound composed of cations and anions
- Elemento kímiko elemento kímiko (Q11344) species of atoms having the same number of protons in the atomic nucleus and the same chemical properties, but not necessarily the same mass, or the same stability (or half-lifetime if they are unstable)
- Tabèl periódiko tabèl periódiko (Q10693) table systematically placing elements based on atomic number and recurrent properties
- (Q663) metallic chemical element of silvery appearance with symbol Al and atomic number 13
- Karbon karbon (Q623) chemical element with symbol C and atomic number 6; common element of all known life
- Koper Koper (Q753) chemical element with symbol Cu and atomic number 29
- Oro oro (Q897) chemical element with symbol Au and atomic number 79
- Hidrógeno hidrógeno (Q556) chemical element with symbol H and atomic number 1
- Heru heru (Q677) chemical element with symbol Fe and atomic number 26
- Nitrogeno nitrógeno (Q627) chemical element, symbol N and atomic number 7; most abundant element in Earth atmosphere
- Zürstòf oksígeno (Q629) chemical element with symbol O and atomic number 8
- Plata plata (Q1090) chemical element with symbol Ag and atomic number 47
- (Q1096) chemical element with symbol Sn and atomic number 50
- (Q11351) subdiscipline within chemistry involving the scientific study of carbon-based compounds, hydrocarbons, and their derivatives
- molekül molekül (Q11369) smallest possibile amount of a chemical substance
- kímiko analítiko kímiko analítiko (Q2346) study of the separation, identification, and quantification of the chemical components of materials
- kímiko físiko kímiko físiko (Q11372) study of macroscopic, atomic, subatomic, and particulate phenomena in chemical systems in terms of laws and concepts of physics
Siensia di tera
[editá fuente]- (Q7935) sudden, drastic flow of snow down a steep slope
- Klima klima (Q7937) statistics of temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind, precipitation, atmospheric particle count and other meteorological elemental measurements in a given region over long periods
- Teremoto Terremoto (Q7944) result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves
- Geologia geologia (Q1069) study of the composition, structure, physical properties, and history of Earth's components, and the processes by which they are shaped
- (Q7946) naturally occurring usually inorganic substance that has a (more or less) definite chemical composition and a crystal structure
- (Q5283) allotrope of carbon often used as a gemstone and an abrasive
- (Q7950) scientific theory that describes the large-scale motions of Earth's lithosphere
- (Q8063) naturally occurring solid aggregate of one or more minerals or mineraloids
- (Q7946) naturally occurring usually inorganic substance that has a (more or less) definite chemical composition and a crystal structure
- (Q8065) major adverse event resulting from natural processes of the Earth, which may cause loss of life or property
- (Q8068) overflow of water that submerges land that is usually dry
- Tsunami Tsunami (Q8070) series of water waves caused by the displacement of a large volume of a body of water
- Volkan Volkan (Q8072) natural, surface vent or fissure usually in a mountainous form
- Wer Wèr (Q11663) state of the atmosphere
- Nubia nubia (Q8074) visible mass of liquid droplets or frozen crystals suspended in the atmosphere
- (Q7925) liquid water in the form of droplets that have condensed from atmospheric water vapor and then precipitated
- (Q7561) precipitation in the form of ice crystal flakes
- Warwaru warwaru (Q8081) violently rotating column of air that is in contact with both the earth's surface and a cumulonimbus cloud in the air
- Tormenta tropikal tormenta tropikal (Q8092) rapidly rotating storm system that forms in the tropics
- (Q8094) flow of gases or air on a large scale
[editá fuente]- (Q413) study of matter and its motion, along with related concepts such as energy and force
- (Q11376) rate at which the magnitude and/or direction of velocity changes with time
- (Q9121) smallest unit of a chemical element
- (Q11379) quantitative property of a physical system, recognizable in the performance of work and in the form of heat and light
- (Q11382) law of physics and chemistry
- (Q12969754) form of energy emitted and absorbed by particles which are charged which shows wave-like behavior as it travels through space
- (Q11388) electromagnetic radiation with longer wavelengths than those of visible light
- (Q11391) form of electromagnetic radiation
- (Q9128) electromagnetic radiation at or near visible wavelengths
- koló koló (Q1075) persepshon suphetivo di longitutnan di onda
- (Q11397) sub-field of mechanics, which is concerned with the set of physical laws describing the motion of bodies under the action of a system of forces
- forsa forsa (Q11402) physical influence that tends to cause an object to change motion unless opposed by other forces
- (Q849919) the fundamental interaction that occurs between electrically charged particles
- (Q11408) spatial distribution of vectors allowing the calculation of the magnetic force on a test particle
- (Q11412) fundamental interaction affecting all matter
- (Q11415) force binding particles within the atomic nucleus
- (Q11418) fundamental interaction responsible for beta decay and nuclear fission
- (Q849919) the fundamental interaction that occurs between electrically charged particles
- (Q11421) material or object that produces a magnetic field
- (Q11423) property of matter to resist changes of the state of motion and to attract other bodies
- (Q11426) element, compound, or alloy that is a good conductor of both electricity and heat
- (Q11427) alloy made by combining iron and other elements
- (Q11429) nuclear reaction splitting an atom into multiple parts
- Estadonan di agregashon estado di agregashon (Q11430) distinct forms that different phases of matter take on
- Gas gas (Q11432) fundamental state of matter in which constituent particles are widely separated with weak intermolecular bonds
- (Q11435) nearly incompressible fluid that conforms to the shape of its container but retains a nearly constant volume independent of pressure
- (Q10251) state of matter consisting of ionized gas
- (Q11438) solid matter; matter which does not deform easily under pressure
- (Q944) fundamental theory in physics describing the properties of nature on an atomic scale
- (Q11448) process by which an unstable atom emits radiation
- (Q11452) standard and classical physics theory of gravity and space
- (Q11455) physical theory of measurement in an inertial frame of reference proposed in 1905 by Albert Einstein
- (Q11456) material that has electrical conductivity intermediate to that of a conductor and an insulator
- (Q11461) vibration that propagates as an acoustic wave
- (Q11465) rate of change of the position of an object as a function of time, and the direction of that change
- (Q2111) speed of electromagnetic waves in vacuum
- (Q11466) physical property of matter that quantitatively expresses the common notions of hot and cold
- (Q11471) dimension in which events can be ordered from the past through the present into the future
- (Q11473) branch of physics concerned with heat, work, temperature, and thermal or internal energy
- (Q11475) space that is empty of matter
[editá fuente]- Matemátika matemátika (Q395) siensia formal
- Aritmétika aritmétika (Q11205) ramo elemental di matemátika
- (Q3968) part of mathematics in which letters and other symbols are used to represent numbers and quantities in formulae and equation
- (Q8087) branch of mathematics regarding geometric figures and properties of space
- (Q11352) something that is formed when two rays meet at a single or same point
- (Q11500) quantity that expresses the extent of a two-dimensional surface or shape, or planar lamina, in the plane
- (Q11210) system for determining the position of a point
- (Q167) constant ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter
- (Q11518) relation in Euclidean geometry among the three sides of a right triangle
- (Q12485) state; balance of object
- (Q8084) branch of mathematics that studies triangles and the relationships between their sides and the angles between these sides
- (Q7754) branch of mathematics
- Probabilidat i estadístika
- Logika i fundeshi
Alimentashon i agrikultura
[editá fuente]Agrikultura
[editá fuente]- (Q11451) cultivation of plants and animals to provide useful products
[editá fuente]- (Q2095) any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for the body; form of energy stored in chemical
- pan pan (Q7802) baked food made of flour, water and other ingredients
- (Q12117) fruits (grains) of cereal crops used for food and agricultural products
- (Q11577) species of plant
- Maishi grandi maishi grandi (Q11575) espesie di Zea
- (Q12104) type of cereal
- aros aros (Q5090) staple food grain of Oryza and Zizania species, for the plant see Q161426
- (Q12099) species of plant
- (Q332062) species of plant
- (Q15645384) widely cultivated cereal grain
- keshi keshi (Q10943) yellow or white, creamy or solid food made from the pressed curds of milk
- chukulati chukulati (Q195) nutritionally dense or sweet food product from the seed of Theobroma cacao - cocoa bean
- (Q10987) sweet food made by bees mostly using nectar from flowers
- (Q1364) botanical term for the mature ovary or ovaries of one or more flowers. For foods commonly known as fruit, use Q3314483
- apel apel (Q89) fruit of the apple tree
- Bacoba (fruta) bacoba (Q503) elongated, edible fruit produced by several kinds of large herbaceous flowering plants in the genus Musa
- (Q10978) edible berry of a flowering plant in the family Vitaceae
- (Q11006) species of plant in the Fabaceae family
- lamunchi lamunchi (Q500) nothospecies of plant
- (Q11009) in botany, type of dry indehiscent fruit
- (Q10990) culinary name for animal flesh eaten as food
- suku suku (Q11002) short-chain, water-soluble carbohydrate
- berdura berdura (Q11004) edible plant or part of a plant, involved in cooking
- batata batata (Q10998) species of plant (for the food, use Q16587531)
[editá fuente]- (Q44) alcoholic drink
- Koffie koffie (Q8486) bebida traha cu awa cayente y bonchi di koffie mula y tota
- (Q8492) drinkable liquid produced from squeezing fruit and vegetables
- lechi lechi (Q8495) white liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals
- (Q6097) drink made from infusing water with the leaves of the tea plant
- Awa awa (Q283) chemical compound formed with the molecule composed of two hydrogen atom and two oxygen atoms
- (Q282) alcoholic drink typically made from grapes through the fermentation process
[editá fuente]- Teknologia teknologia (Q11016) making, modification, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems, and methods of organization, or tools and techniques so created
- (Q7108) use of living systems and organisms to develop or make useful products
- (Q11460) covering worn on the body
- (Q11457) plant fiber from the genus Gossypium
- (Q11023) applied science
- (Q11019) tool containing one or more parts that uses energy to perform an intended action
- (Q11012) mechanical or virtual artificial agent carrying out physical activities, which can be guided by an external control device or the control may be embedded within
- (Q11022) fastener that has a thread wrapped around a cylinder
- Wiel wiel (Q446) circular item that rotates about an axial bearing; one of the six simple machines
- (Q11467) domain of materials science that studies the physical and chemical behavior of metals
- (Q11468) field of applied science whose theme is the control of matter on atomic and (supra)molecular scale
[editá fuente]- komunikashon komunikashon (Q11024) act of conveying intended meaning
- buki buki (Q571) medium for recording information (words or images) typically on bound pages or more abstractly in electronic or audio form
- (Q11028) that which informs; the answer to a question; that from which knowledge can be derived
- Ensiklopedia ensiklopedia (Q5292) type of reference work
- (Q11030) investigation and reporting of events, issues and trends to a broad audience
- Korant korant (Q11032) publikashon periódiko ku notisia
- (Q11033) media technologies that are intended to reach a large audience by mass communication
- (Q11034) process for reproducing text and images using a master form or template
- (Q11035) telecommunications device that permits two or more users to conduct a conversation
[editá fuente]- (Q11650) physics, engineering, technology and applications that deal with the emission, flow and control of electrons in vacuum and matter
- Piesa di elektrónika
- (Q5322) passive, two-terminal electronic component that stores electrical energy in an electric field
- (Q5325) passive two-terminal electrical component that stores energy in its magnetic field
- (Q5339) a semiconductor device
- (Q11656) abstract electronic component with two terminals that allows current to flow in one direction
- (Q5321) passive electronic component used for its resistance
- (Q11658) electrical device that transfers energy through electromagnetic induction from one circuit to another circuit
Kòmpiuter i Internet
[editá fuente]- (Q68) general-purpose device for performing arithmetic or logical operations
- (Q11660) field of computer science that develops and studies intelligent machines
- (Q11661) development, management, and use of computer-based information systems
- (Q8366) sequence of instructions to perform a task
- Internet Internet (Q75) global system of connected computer networks based on IP addressing and routing protocols
- (Q9158) electronic changing digital messages between a network
- Red Informatica Social Red Informatica Social (Q466) global system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet
- (Q9135) software that manages computer hardware resources
- (Q9143) language for communicating instructions to a machine
- (Q7397) non-tangible executable component of a computer
Energia i kombustibel
[editá fuente]- (Q12705) energy collected from renewable resources
- (Q12725) physical phenomena associated with the presence and flow of electric charge
- (Q12739) power generated from nuclear reactions
- (Q12748) combustible fuel containing hydrocarbons formed by natural processes such as anaerobic decomposition of buried dead organisms, examples being coal, petroleum and natural gas
- (Q12757) engine in which the combustion of a fuel occurs with an oxidizer in a combustion chamber
- (Q12760) heat engine that performs mechanical work using steam as its working fluid
- Candela kandela (Q3196) rapid oxidation of a material; phenomenon that emits light and heat
[editá fuente]- (Q11469) amorphous solid that exhibits a glass transition when heated towards the liquid state
- (Q11472) thin, flexible material mainly used for writing upon, printing upon, drawing or for packaging
- (Q11474) material of a wide range of synthetic or semi-synthetic organic solids
- (Q287) fibrous material from trees or other plants
[editá fuente]- (Q7590) human-directed movement of things or people between locations
- (Q11436) machine that is able to fly by gaining support from the air other than the reactions of the air against the earth’s surface
- (Q1420) motorized road vehicle designed to carry one to eight people rather than primarily goods
- Bais bais (Q11442) pedal-driven two-wheel vehicle
- (Q2811) watercraft capable of independent operation underwater
- barku barku (Q11446) large buoyant watercraft
- (Q870) form of rail transport consisting of a series of connected vehicles
[editá fuente]- (Q728) tool intended or likely to inflict damage or harm
- (Q12876) armoured fighting vehicle intended as a primary offensive weapon in front-line ground combat
- (Q12870) reactive substance that contains a great amount of potential energy that can produce an explosion
- (Q12861) explosive most commonly used as propellant in firearms
Arte i rekreo
[editá fuente]- Kultura kultura (Q11042) shared aspects of a society's way of life
- Arte arte (Q735) field of work focused on creating expressive work intended to be appreciated for its beauty or emotional power (use Q838948 for the resulting work)
- (Q1004) creative work in which images and text convey information such as narratives
- (Q11629) practice of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium to a surface
- (Q11633) art, science, and practice of creating durable images by recording light or other electromagnetic radiation
- (Q11634) branch of the visual arts that operates in three dimensions
- (Q11642) craft of making objects from clay
- Baila baila (Q11639) rhythmic movement of the body
- (Q12684) popular style or practice in clothing, personal adornment, or decorative arts
- Teatro teatro (Q11635) forma di arte
- (Q12681) visual art related to writing
Arkitektura i ingenieria sivil
[editá fuente]- Arkitectura Arkitectura (Q12271) process of planning, designing and construction
- bog bog (Q12277) vertical curved structure that spans a space and may or may not support a load
- (Q12280) structure that spans and provides a passage over a road, railway, river, or some other obstacle
- (Q12284) man-made channel for water
- Dam dam (Q12323) barera pa fluho di awa
- (Q12493) architectural element that resembles the hollow upper half of a sphere
- kas kas (Q3947) building usually intended for living in
- Edifisionan spesífiko
- (Q43473) Hindu/Buddhist temple complex in Cambodia
- (Q10285) ancient Roman amphitheatre, a landmark of Rome, Italy
- Muraya Grandi di China Muraya Grandi di China (Q12501) series of fortifications built along the historical border of China
- (Q243) tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris, France
- (Q9188) skyscraper located in Midtown Manhattan, New York City
- (Q12506) Ottoman-era grand mosque and former Byzantine Orthodox patriarchal cathedral
- (Q10288) former temple of Athena on the Athenian Acropolis, Greece
- Nekropolis di Giza Nekropolis di Giza (Q13217298) part of the archaeological site on the Giza plateau, near Cairo, Egypt
- (Q12512) church in Vatican City
- Estatua di Libertad Estatua di Libertad (Q9202) sculpture on Liberty Island in New York Harbor in New York City, New York, United States
- (Q9141) marble mausoleum in Agra, India
- (Q12514) hydroelectric dam that spans the Yangtze River by the town of Sandouping, China
- (Q12516) structure whose shape is roughly that of a pyramid in the geometric sense
- (Q12518) structure with height greater than width
Film, radio i televishon
[editá fuente]- Pelikula pelikula (Q11424) sequence of images that give the impression of movement, stored on film stock
- (Q11425) method of creating moving pictures
- (Q872) technology of signaling and communicating using radio waves
- Televishon televishon (Q289) telecommunication medium for transmitting and receiving moving images
[editá fuente]- Músika músika (Q638) forma di arte usando zonido
- kansion kansion (Q7366) musical composition for voice(s)
- Géneronan spesífiko
- Blues Blues (Q9759) music genre
- (Q9730) broad tradition of Western art music
- Ópera ópera (Q1344) género di músika i teatro
- (Q9734) extended musical composition
- (Q9778) music that mainly employs electronic musical instruments, digital instruments and circuitry-based music technology
- (Q9764) genre of Spanish music and dance
- Hip hop hip hop (Q11401) genero musikal
- Jazz jazz (Q8341) estilo di músika
- Reggae Reggea (Q9794) music genre that originated in Jamaica in the late 1960s
- (Q11399) popular music genre
- Samba Samba (Q11403) Brazilian music genre
- Instrument spesífiko
- Tambòr Tambòr (Q11404) type of musical instrument of the percussion family
- (Q11405) musical instrument of the woodwind family
- (Q6607) fretted string instrument
- piano piano (Q5994) musical keyboard instrument
- (Q8338) musical instrument
- (Q8355) bowed string instrument
[editá fuente]- wega wega (Q11410) structured form of play
- (Q11416) wagering of money on a game of chance or event with an uncertain outcome
- (Q11417) codified systems and traditions of combat practices
- Karate karate (Q11419) deporte hapones
- (Q11420) modern martial art, combat and Olympic/Paralympic sport
- Weganan Olimpico Weganan Olímpiko (Q5389) manifestashon deportivo internashonal
- Deporte deporte (Q349) forms of recreational activity, usually physical
- (Q542) sports involving running, jumping, throwing and walking
- Beisbòl beisbòl (Q5369) deporte
- (Q5372) team sport played on a court with baskets on either end
- (Q5375) team sport played with bats and balls
- Futbol futbòl (Q2736) wega di bala
- Gòlf Gòlf (Q5377) club-and-ball sport
- (Q5378) collective term for rugby union and rugby league team sports
- (Q847) racket sport played on a court bisected by a net
- (Q11422) object intended to be played with
[editá fuente]- Historia historia (Q309) past events and their tracks or records
Prehistoria i mundu bieu
[editá fuente]- Prehistoria Prehistoria (Q11756) span of time before recorded history
- (Q11759) broad prehistoric period during which stone was widely used to make implements
- (Q11761) prehistoric period and age studied in archaeology, part of the Holocene Epoch
- (Q11764) archaeological and historical period
- (Q11767) historical region within the Tigris–Euphrates river system
- (Q35355) ancient Mesopotamian civilization from 5500 to 1800 BC
- (Q11768) Egyptian civilization from the 31st century BC to the 1st century BC
- (Q11772) Greek civilization from c. 1200 BC to c. 600 AD
- Imperio romano Imperio romano (Q2277) period of ancient Rome following the Republic
- (Q7209) imperial dynasty in China from 202 BC to 220 AD
- (Q11774) ancient Indian empire (c. 3rd century CE–575 CE)
Edat medio i modèrnu trempan
[editá fuente]- (Q12536) third Islamic caliphate (750–1258)
- (Q12539) European cultural movement of the 17th and 18th centuries
- Sivilisashon Azteka Sivilisashon Azteka (Q12542) ethnic groups of central Mexico and their civilization
- (Q12544) Roman Empire during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages
- (Q12546) mass military expeditions and wars initiated by the Roman Catholic Church in the High Middle Ages
- (Q12548) multi-ethnic complex of territories in Western and Central Europe (800/962–1806)
- Sivilisashon Inka Sivilisashon Inka (Q28573) 1438–1533 empire in South America
- (Q184536) empire in West Africa from c.1230 to 1670
- (Q28567) Mesoamerican former civilization
- Edad Medio Edad Media (Q12554) period of European history from the 5th to the late 15th-century
- (Q12557) 13th- and 14th-century empire originating in Mongolia
- (Q9903) imperial dynasty of China from 1368 to 1644
- Imperio Otomano Imperio Otomano (Q12560) multiethnic empire with the monarchs from the Ottoman dynasty (1299–1922)
- (Q12562) 16th-century movement in Western Christianity
- Renasementu renasementu (Q4692) era den historia kultural oropeo
- (Q9683) An empire in the China proper between 618 and 907 AD
- (Q12567) Norse people, farmers, merchants, explorers, raiders and pirates
[editá fuente]- (Q8669) geopolitical conflict in the Middle East and North Africa between Israel and its Arab neighbours
- (Q8676) 1861–1865 civil war in the United States between the North and the South over the enslavement of African-Americans
- (Q11409) system of racial segregation and oppression based on skin colour in South Africa, introduced in 1948 and abolished in the years 1991 to 1994
- (Q8680) overseas possessions of England and later the United Kingdom (1607–1997)
- Guera Friu Guera Friu (Q8683) 1947–1991 tension between the Soviet Union and the United States and their respective allies
- (Q8690) 1966–1976 Maoist sociopolitical movement in China
- Revolushon Franses Revolushon franses (Q6534) periodo radikal di kambio na Fransia
- (Q8698) worldwide economic depression (1929–1939)
- Holokousto Holokousto (Q2763) genocide of European Jews by Nazi Germany, his allied countries and local collaborators during World War II
- Revolushon Industrial Revolushon Industrial (Q2269) transition to new manufacturing processes in Europe and the United States, in the 18th-19th centuries
- Di Tres Reich Di Tres Reich (Q7318) Germany from 1933 to 1945 while under control of the Nazi Party
- (Q8707) reform restoring the imperial rule in Japan in the last third of the 19th century
- Revolushon Rusiano di 1917 Revolushon Rusiano di 1917 (Q8729) 1917–23 transition from monarchy to USSR
- (Q8733) Manchu-led dynasty of China (1644–1912)
- (Q8740) armed conflict in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia between North Vietnam and South Vietnam, from 1955 to 1975
- Prome Guera Mundial Prome Guera Mundial (Q361) global war originating in Europe, 1914–1918
- Di Dos Guera Mundial Di Dos Guera Mundial (Q362) 1939–1945 global conflict
[editá fuente]- Geografia geografia (Q1071) siensia ku ta studia e superfisie terestre
- Siudat siudat (Q515) entidat di poblashon
- Kontinente kontinente (Q5107) masa di tera
- (Q4421) dense collection of trees covering a relatively large area
- Seru seru (Q8502) elevashon natural di tereno
- (Q8514) barren area of land where little precipitation occurs
- Nortpol Nortpol (Q934) punto mas nort di planeta tera
- Oséano Oceano (Q9430) very large body of saline water
- Riu riu (Q4022) larger natural watercourse
- Laman laman (Q165) large body of saline water
- Sùitpol Sùitpol (Q933) punto mas sùit di planeta tera
Kontinente i region grandi
[editá fuente]- Afrika Afrika (Q15) kontinente
- Antártika Antártika (Q51) kontinente polar
- Asia Asia (Q48) kontinente den hemisferio oriental
- Oropa Oropa (Q46) kontinente
- Medio Oriente Medio Oriente (Q7204) region geográfiko
- Nort Amérika Nort Amerika (Q49) kontinente
- (Q538) geographic region and continent
- Sur Amérika Sur Amérika (Q18) kontinente
[editá fuente]- Afganistan Afganistán (Q889) country in Central and South Asia
- Argelia Argelia (Q262) pais den Afrika
- Argentina Argentina (Q414) sovereign state in South America
- Australia Australia (Q408) pais
- Austria Austria (Q40) pais den Oropa
- Bangladèsh Bangladesh (Q902) pais den Asia
- Brasil Brasil (Q155) pais den Sur Amérika
- Canada Canada (Q16) country in North America
- China China (Q148) pais den Asia
- Republika demokratika di Kongo Republika demokratika di Kongo (Q974) pais den Afrika
- Cuba Cuba (Q241) pais den Lama Karibe
- Egipto Egipto (Q79) pais den Afrika
- Etiopia Ethiopia (Q115) pais den Afrika
- Fransia Fransia (Q142) pais den Oropa
- Alemania Alemania (Q183) pais na Oropa
- India India (Q668) pais den parti sur di Asia
- Indonesia Indonesia (Q252) pais den Asia
- Iran Iran (Q794) pais den Asia
- Irak Irak (Q796) pais den Medio Oriente
- Israel Israel (Q801) pais den Medio Oriente
- Italia Italia (Q38) pais den Oropa
- Hapon Hapon (Q17) pais den Asia
- Mexico Mexico (Q96) pais den Nort Amerika
- Hulanda Hulanda (Q55) pais den Oropa
- Nueva Zelandia Nueva Zelandia (Q664) island country in the southwest Pacific Ocean
- Nigeria Nigeria (Q1033) pais den Afrika
- Pakistan Pakistan (Q843) pais den Asia
- Polonia Polonia (Q36) pais den Oropa
- Portugal Portugal (Q45) pais den Oropa
- Rusia Rusia (Q159) pais den Asia
- Arabia Saudita Saudi Arabia (Q851) country in West Asia
- Singapura Singapura (Q334) sovereign island country and city-state in maritime Southeast Asia
- Sur Afrika Sur Afrika (Q258) pais den Afrika
- Sur Korea Sur Korea (Q884) pais den Ost Asia
- Spaña Spaña (Q29) pais den Oropa
- Sudan Sudan (Q1049) pais den Afrika
- Suisa Suisa (Q39) pais den Oropa
- Tanzania Tanzania (Q924) country in East Africa
- Tailandia Thailand (Q869) country in Southeast Asia
- Turkia Turkia (Q43) pais den Oropa i den Asia
- Ukrania Ukrania (Q212) pais den Ost Oropa
- Reino Uni Reino Uni (Q145) pais na Oropa
- Estadonan Uni di Amérika Estadonan Uni di Merka (Q30) pais den Nort Amerika
- Siudad Vatikano Siudad Vatikano (Q237) Holy See's independent state, an enclave within Rome, Italy
- Venezuela Venezuela (Q717) pais den Sur Amerika
- Vietnam Vietnam (Q881) country in Southeast Asia
[editá fuente]- Amsterdam Amsterdam (Q727) capital and most populous city of the Netherlands
- Atenas Atenas (Q1524) capital and largest city of Greece
- Bagdad Bagdad (Q1530) capital city of Iraq
- Bangkok Bangkok (Q1861) capital of Thailand
- Bejing Bejing (Q956) capital city of China
- Berlin Berlin (Q64) federated state, capital and largest city of Germany
- Bogota Bogota (Q2841) capital city of Colombia
- Brusela Brusela (Q239) municipality and capital city of Belgium
- Buenos Aires Buenos Aires (Q1486) capital and largest city of Argentina
- Kairo Kairo (Q85) capital city of Egypt
- Kaapstad Kaapstad (Q5465) siudat den Sur Afrika
- Damasco Damasco (Q3766) capital and largest city of Syria
- (Q1353) metropolis of India
- Dhaka Dhaka (Q1354) capital and largest city of Bangladesh
- Dubai Dubai (Q612) most populous city in the United Arab Emirates and the capital of the Emirate of Dubai
- Hong Kong Hong Kong (Q8646) city and special administrative region of China
- Istanbul Istanbul (Q406) siudat na Turkia
- Jakarta Jakarta (Q3630) capital city and smallest province of Indonesia
- Herusalem Herusalem (Q1218) city in the Middle East, holy to the three Abrahamic religions
- Karachi Karachi (Q8660) provincial capital of Sindh, Pakistan
- Kinshasa Kinshasa (Q3838) kapital di Repúblika Demokrátiko di Kongo
- (Q1348) capital city of West Bengal, India
- Lagos Lagos (Q8673) siudat den Nigeria
- London London (Q84) kapital di Inglatera i Reino Uni
- Los Angeles Los Angeles (Q65) largest city in California, United States
- Madrid (Q2807) kapital di Spana
- Mekka Mekka (Q5806) Saudi Arabian city and capital of the Makkah province
- Ciudad di Mexico Ciudad di Mexico (Q1489) capital and largest city of Mexico
- Mosku Mosku (Q649) kapital di Rusia
- (Q1156) capital city in Maharashtra, India
- Nairobi Nairobi (Q3870) kapital di e Kenia
- New York City New York City (Q60) siudat merikano
- Paris Paris (Q90) kapital di Fransia
- Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro (Q8678) siudat na Brazil
- Roma Roma (Q220) capital di Italia
- (Q656) federal city in and former capital of Russia
- São Paulo São Paulo (Q174) most populous city in Brazil
- Seoul Seoul (Q8684) capital and largest city of South Korea
- Shanghai Shanghai (Q8686) siudat den China
- Sydney Sydney (Q3130) capital city of New South Wales, Australia
- Teheran Teheran (Q3616) kapital di Iran
- Tokyo Tokio (Q1490) capital and largest city of Japan
- Viena Viena (Q1741) kapital di Austria
- Washington D.C. Washington D.C. (Q61) capital city of the United States of America
Kuerpo di awa
[editá fuente]- Riu Amazonas Riu Amazonas (Q3783) river in South America
- Oséano Ártiko Oséano Ártiko (Q788) smallest, shallowest, coldest, and northernmost of the world's major oceans
- Oséano Atlántiko Oceano Atlantiko (Q97) ocean between Europe, Africa and the Americas
- Laman Baltiko Laman Baltiko (Q545) sea in Northern Europe
- Laman Pretu Laman Pretu (Q166) laman entre Oropa i Asia
- Laman Karibe Laman Karibe (Q1247) laman
- Laman Káspiko Laman Káspiko (Q5484) lago grandi entre Oropa i Asia
- (Q3503) river in central Africa
- (Q1653) second-longest river in Europe
- (Q5089) major river in India
- (Q7343) over 2300 km long coral reef off Australia's northeast coast, UNESCO World Heritage Site
- (Q7347) group of lakes in North America
- Oséano indio Oceano Indiko (Q1239) laman
- (Q7348) river in Asia
- (Q5513) freshwater rift lake in southern Siberia, Russia
- (Q5511) lake in Africa
- (Q5505) lake in east-central Africa
- Laman Mediteráneo Laman Mediteráneo (Q4918) laman
- (Q1497) primary river of the largest drainage basin in the United States
- (Q3542) river in West Africa
- (Q3392) major river in northeastern Africa
- (Q1693) laman
- Oséano Pasífiko Oceano Pasifiko (Q98) laman
- (Q7350) large canal in Panama
- (Q584) river in Western Europe to the North Sea
- (Q899) artificial sea-level waterway in Egypt
- Oséano Sur Oceano sur (Q7354) ocean around Antarctica
- (Q626) river in Russia; the longest river in Europe
- (Q5413) longest river in Asia, and the third-longest in the world
- (Q7355) major river in China
Seru i desierto
[editá fuente]- Alpen Alpen (Q1286) kadena di seru na Oropa
- Andes Andes (Q5456) mountain range running along the western side of South America
- (Q5451) mountain range in Asia
- (Q513) Earth's highest mountain above sea level, located in the Mahalangur Himal sub-range of the Himalayas
- (Q7296) mountain massif in Kilimanjaro National Park in Tanzania
- (Q5463) major mountain range in western North America
- Sahara Sahara (Q6583) desierto na Afrika
Fuente, nota i/òf referensia